Don't rely on these pages.
Maybe one day I have to close it down and then your photos would be gone. I have such thoughts from time to time.
And anyway: one day it will happen. when I am no more.. who should update and maintain the software? It needs some knowledge.
This is all not clear or solved. So .. backup your photos.
I have stopped using linkify for making clickable links in the photo text, the album description and the user info text and added markdown to those areas and also to the blog, here..
Reason was, that I was unable to create a link below a photo with a specific anchor text, that was different from the "href" (the "22:20" link below this photo)
I have found yet another package for the photo names:
With that, shorter IDs can be generated, looking almost like those, that YouTube has:
Example: bTA1qLWh.jpg
I am currently renaming photos with these IDs as filename, based on the Time and Date of creation in the database. That will take some time.
I had always named the image files in this way:
Or, when I didn't know the year, then so:
and so on..
Now I started another way of naming them, because one day, when Rocket offers Authentication, or I find another way to build that, I want to build an upload function again. And then it would be good to have an automatic naming scheme for the images.
I found there exists "uuidgen", a command line tool, here on my Linux system.. You type "uuidgen" and get a UUID: c7dd076d-a5f0-449a-b3b9-530ed7355061 .
So I started naming the images like "c7dd076d-a5f0-449a-b3b9-530ed7355061.jpg"
Then I found another tool, that makes shorter IDs, which is called short-uuid and produces IDs like this: "v4VQKps3TCFbLxHyzpeZ42" which I found better. So now I am renaming all images in this way:
Maybe I will also use these IDs for the URL as identifier.. So "" would become "" but I'm not sure, yet..
I have added a small "Count photos number" to the results of the albums page and the locations page.
So, for example the location "Wegeleben" now looks so: "Wegeleben (22)".
update 2024-04-11: added the same on the Tags and Users pages
I have changed the way, the photos are sorted.
Now they are not longer sorted by their "id", but by their "date of creation", that means, the time when they were inserted into the database.
So when I now add "old" photos, from an older version of this site, I want to give them their old "creation date".. (that will take some time, because it will be done manually for each photo)
This way, I hope only "really new" photos will then appear on the start page, and older ones will be inserted on higher page numbers. The archives page should now also grow and show older years. The oldest one should be 2010. I guess in that year I started using a database.
The website itself started in 2009, I believe...
Today, I have added a country to each location, and a possibility to filter by country on the locations page.
And added floating to the single photo page for a more consistent look everywhere.
Today I changed the number of pictures per page from 48 to 24.
Additionally, the "blacknwhite" theme was changed and is now more usable (or usable at all, it was not so beautiful before). It is now darker, cleaner and has received rounded corners.
On the tags page, there is again a possibility to select single letters, to show only tags starting with a certain letter.
And the search should now also find years.
I have again changed the web framework to one thing that has changed here (I use firefox) is the settings page. Now a theme change works immediately, without reloading the page. And the search should now also find categories.
The search function should now also find albums..
The 'darkgrey' theme has been slightly changed. It's now more grey and less black.. and the input field should be dark instead of white, now.
Maybe it's a little bit more pleasant for the eyes.
it was not planned... but now i changed the "year" from integer to string, so it is now possible to have a "year_unknown" value
that means, I can now add the photos to the page, which don't have a year of production - where I don't know the year..
I have changed the domain back to the old name. So it is again.
Will try to add more photos in the future.. I am working through the current image folder from old to new, and now I am somewhere in 2014..
But this is only the "new" image folder with ~ 1700 photos. In the original folder are more photos (~8500). That will come later. And only the "good" ones. not everything.
It takes some time to find out the data, like title, text, location, tags, etc.. for every photo.. but it is also a nice task, to dig through the images, from time to time.
I am unsure what to do with the photos, that are owned by user accounts. Don't know what people want to do with their photos. so for now I will mainly add photos from my ("pp") and the "anonymous" account.
Send me a mail if you had an account and want to have your pictures or want them to be added here again..
An upload function will currently not be possible . Too difficult for me and .. yes.. maybe later.
(the website is now built with Actix Web (Rust) - before it was Laravel (PHP). I don't know how to build that with Rust.. and how to protect from misuse. also because here is no login functionality.)
I have changed the categories, so that multiple categories per picture should be possible. I hope it will work and stand the test of time.
It is the same system as with the tags and albums (pivot table), + some extra work was needed (for the previous/next photo-functions for example and for the queries, where photos can be filtered by category and year).
A new theme required some changes in the base HTML template and all CSS themes. The new theme is called "hellpastell", which means "bright pastel"
I have removed the javascript function for light and dark site layout and created 3 new themes which are dark. It should now also be possible to remove the theme cookie.
The Inktober pictures are somehow too many (58) and don't fit in here.. so they will be removed and put on another site -->
update: done (removed)
update 20230909: some added again