
Choose a theme.. (This will set a cookie (max age 120 days) and maybe you have to reload the page afterwards.)

currently active: none (default)

bright themes

  • default (standard / remove the theme cookie)
  • wide (full width)
  • book (full width and navigation on the left side)
  • hellpastell (narrow, bright, pastel colors)
  • my (narrow, white background, rounded corners)
  • lessfloats (1100px wide theme with less floats (left and right areas))
  • greyhound (grey theme, smaller headings, sans-serif font, rounded corners))

dark themes

  • dark (narrow, dark, blue links)
  • wide-dark (full width, dark, blue links)
  • book-dark (full width, dark, navigation on the left side, blue links)
  • darkgrey (full width, dark grey, aquamarine links)
  • blacknwhite (full width, black and grey, white links, rounded corners)
  • blacknwhite-narrow (like blacknwhite theme, but only 1100px wide)